
Anger For an Unbalanced Oven Rack is the first poem I ever wrote. I was 17 and my parents were divorcing. Laying my confusion and sorrow down on paper helped me heal. 

During the pandemic, I began searching for new meaning in my Oven Rack poem. Eager to see if I could create an updated version using the original, I printed it onto magnetic paper, cut out the words, stuck them on my refrigerator and rearranged them. The result was so cool! I tried it with some of my other poems with equally satisfying results.

This exercise was the spark for poem RENOVATION.

I thought you might like to see those poems and the resulting renovations, which were created by using select words from each poem, without adding any others.

Introspection for a new decade…

…and its renovation

A pandemic-inspired poem…

…and its renovation.