
She’d seem strong- willed somehow. Woman like her imagined the forest paths.

Betty, a member of United Church Homes’ Harmar Place Community in Marietta, Ohio, wrote those lines during a recent poem RENOVATION workshop. She conjured up a vibrant character by rearranging words from the book The Taiga Syndrome by Cristina Rivera Garza. Can’t you just imagine Betty’s strong-willed woman striding confidently into the woods? 

Betty’s work – and that of all poem RENOVATION wordsmiths –  should be celebrated!  Here are some fun ways to put their creations on display:

Capitalize on Common Areas: Put up a display of poem RENOVATION creations, along with the passage from which they originated, for participants, visitors and staff to enjoy.

  • To preserve digital creations: Tap the “share” button at the far right of the poem RENOVATION digital canvas, then choose “print.”
  • To preserve creations made with paper word cut-outs: take photos and print them out. 
  • Take a photo of each writer and display it next to their work. Consider including a brief bio, and/or a writer’s statement about their work.

Host a Reading: Organize an event where participants share their favorite creation with an audience, in person and/or via video call.

Art Show Addition: Poetry is word art! Incorporate images of poem RENOVATION creations into your next community art show.