Upcoming Appearance: OHCA Activity and Life Enrichment Conference
elder care

poem RENOVATION’s founder, Kelly de la Rocha, will run a hands-on workshop Monday, Feb. 10, at the Ohio Health Care Association’s Activities and Life Enrichment Conference in Columbus, Ohio. The annual professional development conference provides activity directors, caregivers and leaders in elder care with educational sessions and networking opportunities to learn best practices for enhancing […]

If gratitude were a gala…
Year-end wrap-up

The first annual poem RENOVATION gala took place December 7th, 2024. I’m pretty sure it was the tiniest gala ever – just John Melillo and me, along with our plus-ones, Lisa Melillo and Michael de la Rocha. It was a simple affair – dinner and drinks at a little Italian joint in Jersey. But why […]

Did they really call our name?

By Kelly de la Rocha, founder of poem RENOVATION Late afternoon on the final day of the Yale Innovation Summit, John Melillo and I were sipping drinks in the courtyard.  We were thrilled to have been chosen to present about poem RENOVATION at the annual summit, which convenes the innovation and entrepreneurship community for two […]

Sounds like home

My friend, Alison, suggested the tagline “Sounds like home” for poem RENOVATION. It didn’t resonate, until I saw poem RENOVATION in action at United Church Homes’ continuing care communities.

meet our team

Many more generous and talented people are lending a hand to our effort as well. We are so thankful to everyone who has offered help and encouragement! 

poem RENOVATION: how it works

poemRENOVATION.com visitors are presented daily with a scrambled passage from literature. They select words that resonate with them, then move them around on a digital canvas to create something new–a poem, a phrase, even word art. There are no rules. The sole objective is to create! In the process, users learn literary constructs like figurative […]

Pitch night success!

poem RENOVATION founder Kelly de la Rocha was one of six chosen from a pool of more than 40 applicants to participate in the HAYVN HATCH New Haven pitch night for women-owned tech and tech-enabled businesses. She was named one of the winners! Watch the video